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Scott Burr

Age: 57


“The body becomes the servant…   
               when you become the master”

B.e O.bsessed and D.o the work that resides within to win at the game that we call life. Because inside this game each one of us has been called to do a "great work".  And when we BOD in that self appointed calling not only do we serve at an almost godlike capacity but we are  met with the truest form and highest levels of success.  







"Your body takes you everywhere you need to go and it effects everything you do in the other areas of your life. Be willing to play the game and win."



As we step into our later years the way we train and fuel our body must shift in order to regain and sustain results. It is the only way continue to win our personal game. 





What has worked for us in our 20's and 30's will no longer work for us in our 40's, 50's and beyond. The rules have changed. And so has the roadmap in obtaining, maintaining and even expanding a strong, lean and healthy body.






Your game. Your purpose. Your ability to expand and grow and as you regain and maintain a strong, lean and healthy body. Understand that where ever you are at this very moment it is your gift, your blessing, your opportunity. Don’t waste it. Take advantage of it now. 





  YES WE CAN... 


  • Be mindset strong, 6-pack lean and lifetime healthy in our later years when we discover and apply our personal blueprint. 


  •  Re-ignite hope, desire and personal inspiration by 'waking up' the power within as we find our true purpose for life and transformation.


  • Be empowered with a sculpted body or art created as a bi-product of focusing on the higher law rather than focusing on image and ego. 


  • Use the tools taught in BOD and transfer these skills to all areas of our life elevating our game in relationships, business and even in spiritual connection. 

  • Rediscover vibrancy, energy and that healthy glow that exudes from a person that takes care of their body.  


  • Have a greater capacity to tap into mental clarity and sharpness allowing us the capacity to be 100% present and perform at the top of our game. 

  •  Be free from the physical and mental burdens of an unhealthy and toxic body that can hold most men back.

  • Lock arms and be empowered with a small team of warriors working together to achieve BOD results in body and life - together we rise.

  • Gain a mentor, coach and confidant to get real rand relevant results in the shortest amount of time - your roadmap to personalized success that will stand the test of time. 



Below is a timeline with significant moments that built the foundation of who I am today and working backwards to my youth.  


"Life will give back what we invest in at its highest frequency. When we make the choice and step into the work...the reward is priceless."


Discover What It Takes To Become A BODWarrior Below 🔥

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